Comic-Con Video Blog: Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch
On Saturday morning, we woke up at 8:00am and headed down to Hall H to wait in line for the 11:45am Warner Bros panel. We thought that three and a half hours would be enough to ensure ourselves a place in the 6,000 seat hall for the first look at Green Lantern, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch. We were wrong. It turns out that you needed to be in line at least four hours to get into Hall H. We didn't get in.
But we remained vigilant, and held our place in line in hopes of eventually getting into the Hall. After the Harry Potter footage screened, fans left allowing us to get inside just in time to see footage from Zack Snyder's first "original" feature film, Sucker Punch. So while we weren't able to see Potter or Green Lantern (we've heard that no footage of Reynolds in CG suit was screened), we were able to record a quick video blog talking about the footage from Sucker Punch. Watch that video blog now, embedded after the jump.