New Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Video Game Footage
GameTrailers has premiered a new video showcasing the gameplay in the upcoming Scott Pilgrim vs. The World video game. Here is more from the /Film tipster Lascelles L:
"There is a show called Game Traielers on Spike TV. They tend to beat G4 on a lot of game stuff. They have early footage and an interview with the director of Scott about the game at a fake E3 like-event (E3 officially starts Monday). The director said it's like a cartoon of the comic. That interview is not actually online, but you could see it if you recorded the show and probably Ondemand soon. The game is very retro and not a quickly made, next 3-d gen game, which when it comes to most movie games, means hurried and bad. Also, fits the game theme of the movie/comic quite well, I think. You might want to reference arcade classics like Kung Fu, Double Dragon or Streets of Rage."
I really love the retro almost 8-bit look of the game. Watch the video now, embedded after the jump.