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Gizmodo held a photoshop contest asking readers to ruin JJ Abrams Star Trek. The above photo is my favorite, and the second place winner.
Newaberdeenkt has edited together the clips from the trailers and the ShoWest montage to create a full sequence from Transformers 2. [youtube]
Director Lee Madden (Hell's Angels) died of complications resulting from pneumonia on April 9th at age 82. [variety]
An information and media packed Page 2 is available after the jump.
Notamovieposter has a look at one of the unused poster conceprts for Rian Johnson's Brick.
Francis Ford Coppola's Tetro is in black and white. [FirstShowing]
Last week's episode of Lost, titled "Some Like it Hoth". featured a great Star Wars-centric conversation. You can read a transcript on Star Wars Blog .
The International movie trailer for Michael Mann's Public Enemies is now available in High Defintion on YouTube. Embedded above. Thanks to /Film reader Hargun K for the tip.
Bloody-Disgusting has confirmed that James Van Patten will be returning as Dr. Heffner in Saw VI.
Leslie Mann and Elizabeth Banks will explore the comic side of bad relationships in What Was I Thinking?, based on the nonfiction book of the same name. [reuters]
[No photo]
AICN has a new set photo of the ENCOM building from Tron 2. Apparently they were filming a flashback sequence where someone, possibly Bruce Boxleitner, rushs through a swarm of people outside the building wearing t-shirts that say "Flynn Lives". Click on over to see the full photo in high res.
Meanwhile, Collider reports that the sign on the Tron production offices door at Disney had the TR2N logo, which further confuses the matter of the film's correct title.
Mini-LOL: Vulture posted this photo of an Angels & Demons advertisement in New York City, right next to a church.
Chuck Palahniuk's next novel Pygmy is being billed as The Manchurian Candidate meets South Park. The story is about "a group of adolescent agents from an unspecified country not unlike North Korea who, disguised as foreign exchange students, enter the US with the intent of infiltrating typical American families and eventually unleashing a terrorist act which they have called Operation Havoc." [superpunch]
Oscilloscope Laboratories has acquired North American rights to Kisses, a sweet little film I saw at the Telluride Film Festival. [Variety]
The proposed story line for Sex and the City 2 has "Samantha [Kim Cattrall] will be her having to downsize her big-spending life after some of her investments get wiped out. You will see her having to survive on a more modest budget but still staying true to her fabulous taste." [TheAge]
JJ Abrams is the guest editor on the new issue of WiReD Magazine. Abrams wrote an essay titled "The Magic of the Mystery" which deals with the magic of mystery in story and web spoilers. The article is not yet online. Covershot above thanks to TrekMovie. Thanks to /Film reader Bill M for the tip.
Producer David Heyman confirms to MTV that the epilogue for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be shot with the original cast, using computer and make-up aging techniques.
Total movie tickets sold in France plummeted a whopping "year-on-year 15.2% January-March." [Variety ]
Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World photoblog features a photo from the set featuring chairs that read: "Talk to the Fist," which serves as the title of Chris Evan's character Lucas Lee's movie within the movie.
A Star Wars fan donated his kidney to a fellow Stormtropper. No Joke. [SciFi]
Adrian Grenier (Entourage) has announced another documentary film project titled Spin, "that explores 21st century media and its impact on society." [THR ] has a new featurette on Pixar's Up titled Kevin: The Undiscovered Species which focuses on the huge bird from the upcoming film.
Speaking of Up, Upcoming Pixar has a nice round up of the reviews, mostly positive, to come out of a recent Austin Texas screening.
World's Greatest Dad is the closing night film at CineVegas 2009. [Rejects]
Artist Olly Moss has created this Ghsotbusters parody – Klanbusters.
Bryan Fuller is already talking to Warner Bros about having Marvel Comics publish a Pushing Daisies comic book which continues where the television show left off. [SciFi]
Strathclyde Police, Scotland's largest police force, says eight of its officers (and two of its civilian staff) listed Jedi as their official religion on voluntary diversity forms. [geekologie]
A television for film snobs? The new Philips Ultra-Widescreen Television is formatted to almost perfectly fit a 2.35:1 framed movie. ...but a 16:9 movie would have black bars on the left and the right side of the picture.
CHUD has the trailer or Dan Fogler's directing debut Hysterical Psycho, a spoof of the Cabin in the Woods type horror films.
David S Goyer and Brannon Braga's Flash Forward, based on the sci-fi novel by Robert J Sawyer, will be going forward as an ABC television series. [AICN]
I love the posters for the second season of True Blood. [ropesofsilicon]
Columbus Short will reteam with his Stomp The Yard director Sylvain White for the big screen adaptation of the Vertigo/DC Comics graphic novel The Losers. [THR]