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Latino Review spotted a new movie theater standee for Terminator Salvation, which features all the main stars of the film in the same pose.

Old School Tattoo in Bellingham, Washington inked this tattoo (right), which combines a bit of the style of Salvador DalĂ­'s "Elephants" with a Star Wars AT-AT Walker. [BoingBoing]

Tenenbaum Fail is a tumbler blog that collects photos of people dressed as the characters from Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbuams.Grant Morrison is working on a mini-series for DC Comics featuring the Charlton Comics superhero characters Alan Moore used as the basis for Watchmen, which is also written like Watchmen, described as "written backwards and sideways and filled with all kinds of symbolism." [CBR ]Christopher Nolan's brother Matthew Nolan, was under investigation by Chicago Police in a $700,000 bank-fraud scheme when FBI agents caught him last month. Nolan is wanted in Costa Rica for the kidnapping and murder of a Florida businessman. [SunTimes]Reese Witherspoon talks about Pixar's 2011 release The Bear and the Bow to the Orlando Sentinel: "I get offered a lot of animated movies... [then] Pixar came along with [a] great character. A girl from royalty who would rather be a great archer? And she has a Scottish accent? Who could turn that down? You always go for the great character to play, even if she's animated." [via UpcomingPixar]danielcd

The new single by Bat For Lashes is titled "Daniel", and the cd cover art features a woman with The Karate Kid tattooed on her back (as seen above). [Superpunch]

Apparently 50 Cent won't be in Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables after all. The character of Hale Caesar will now be played by former San Diego Charger Terry Crews. [AICN]

Could the Nintendo Wii be getting Netflix Streaming? [/Gamer]

Sam Fell, director of the animated films The Tale of Despereaux and Flushed Away, is attached to direct Demonkeeper, a live-action adaptation of the Royce Buckingham novel. [variety]slither concept postersJames Gunn has posted a gallery of test posters for his horror film Slither. It's always fun to see the concepts they didn't use. It seems like I always find at least one that I liked more than the final release, but with Slither, I actually really dug the poster which showed the creatures approaching the bathtub more than the unused concepts.

Summit sold over 3 million copies of Twilight on DVD in the first 24 hours, making it the fifth highest first day seller of all time. [prnewswire]

Warner Bros has launched a no frills teaser website for Spike Jonze's adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are. Right now the website only features a logo.