Transformers: Revenge Of Stan Bush's "The Touch"
Stan Bush's 1986 song "The Touch" which was featured in the soundtrack for Transformers: The Movie, and later covered by Mark Wahlberg in Boogie Nights, is making a comeback thanks to the upcoming release of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. According to Bush, "The Touch" will be featured on several of the toys for the new film and might even be featured in the movie itself. Stan says he has recorded a new "killer version" of the song, and submitted it for the film.
If that isn't enough, Activision will be releasing the song as a free download for Guitar Hero sometime in the next couple months, and Stan has announced that he will be performing live at the Transformers convention Botcon 09, which takes place in Los Angeles on May 30th 2009. I have included the original 1980's music video after the jump.
source: seibertron