Cool Stuff: Scott Campbell's Crazy4Cult 2 Poster
Gallery 1988 has released another poster for the second annual pop-culture art show Crazy4Cult. This one is by Scott Campbell, who you might remember from the One To Grow On show (we featured his crazy E.T. themed art on Cool Stuff). He's also the guy responsible for that cool arcade drawing in The King of Kong DVD. And people from the video game world might know him from the awesome cut and fold arcade cabinet flyers he created for the latest I am 8bit show.
Scott's Crazy4Cult 2 poster has tons of geekarific movie characters hanging out in a tree. You can see E.T. and his bike hanging out with Pee-Wee Herman and his bike, or an Alien hanging out with the guy from Tron, or Freddy Krugar hanging out with Edward Scissorhands.
There are a lot of references packed into the poster. How many can you spot?
You can purchase a print of the poster for $20 at Crazy4Cult 2's opening night reception on August 22nd from 7-11pm, or by phone/email the next day. The original art will actually be on sale at the event, along with many other cool pieces. Head on over to for more info.
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