Early Buzz: WALL-E Gets Rave Reviews
Pixar screened WALL-E at their wrap party celebration, and it appears a few outsiders got in. Two reviews have leaked onto the interwebs. DoomMunky calls the film "honestly funny, moving and exciting," refers to Wall-E itself (or is it himself?) as "adorable and endearing."
"It's a great, great movie. ... I can't wait to see it again, and I never want to see something again right away."
A second glowing review showed up briefly before suddenly disappearing over on the TAG Blog. Thankfully our friends at Upcoming Pixar was able to save the text:
"It is about as far from the "same-old" as you can get. I got to see it last night and it is nothing less than astonishing. A love story with robots that is so emotional and touching. Robots who teach humans how to be human again. And it is the best looking film so far this year of any released or on the horizon. The animation is virtually ALL pantomime-and is so entertaining. I can't wait to see it again! What an amazing risk Pixar took-and it really pays off in spades."
I can't explain how extremely excited I am to see this film. I'm pretty sure it will be my favorite of the year (yes, even over Dark Knight... let the comments begin).