Rumor Killer: Only Two Hours Of Crystal Skulls
Last week we posted a story which claimed that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull would top 140 minutes. Apparently that isn't true after all. Jeff Wells' source on the running time was composer John Williams who revealed in a recent YouTube video clip that the film is "seven reels long [with] each reel being 20 minutes." However, that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Producer Frank Marshall confirmed to Paramount publicity that the film is just a tad over two hours.
Raiders, Temple, and Last Crusade all walked the two-hour tightrope, with Crusade's 127-minute running time being the longest. And it appears that Crystal Skull will keep within the same boundaries, which may come as a relief to most fans. The argument of how long an action movie can be will be had another day, but I'm pretty sure most people enjoy shorter rather than longer.
Discuss: Would you be up for watching a three hour Indiana Jones movie?