Page 2: Thursday, April 17th 2008
Here is a collection of news stories and features from around the web not fit to print. On /Film we call it Page 2...The Movie Blog has a theory that Obi-Wan Kenobi was a Clone. A cool idea but I just don't buy it.
Blockbuster, seeing the inevitable death of physical movie rentals, has proposed a bid to buy Circuit City. [blockbuster]
Buzz Sugar wonders if the Farrelly Brothers should make more movies? The Answer is no.
Rotten Tomatoes take a look at the 20 Greatest Fight Scenes of all time.KungFuRodeo has photos of the new Iron Man billboards.
Scott Weinberg at Cinematical has a great Rant about how PG-13 horror movies suck. Scott, thanks for stating the obvious.
Kevin on Film School Rejects defends Uwe Boll in this highly disturbing video parody titled "Leave Uwe Boll Alone!"
UpcomingPixar asks "Cars 2: Is it Really THAT bad?" The answer: Yes, YES it is.
Alex at FirstShowing calls 2008 the Revenge of the Stoner Movies. Let's hope this trend doesn't continue into 2009.
Great White Snark counts down the Five Most Ridiculous Legal Disputes Involving LucasFilm. George Lucas sued Who knew?
A.O. Scott writes a great article about Roger Ebert and his role in film criticism: "One recent afternoon I was sitting at my computer studying old clips of Gene and Roger. After a while my daughter sat down next to me. We watched in silence for a while, and then she said: "These guys are always fighting. Even when they both like a movie, they have to fight about why it's good." That may not be an exhaustive definition of criticism as a discipline or a mode of thought, but it strikes me as a pretty good summary." [New York Times]
AICN's Moriarty is writing a script with Scott Swan called Bat Out of Hell, which is said to be a new spin on a classic monster. The story takes place on a red eye flight from LA to NYC. [ShockTillYouDrop]
ABC has confirmed that they have ordered an additional hour for LOST. The two-hour season 4 finale will air on May 29th. [SciFi]
21 screenwriter Peter Steinfeld will adapt the lottery scam memoir Money for Nothing: One Man's Journey Through the Dark Side of Lottery Millions for Warner Independent Pictures. [THR]