TRON Director Makes A Come Back With Soul Code
TRON director Steven Lisberger is finally set to make his return to the big screen after a 19 year absence. Following TRON, Lisberger directed the bad John Cusack film Hot Pursuit and the even more horrible sci-fi adventure Slipstream, starring Bob Peck, Mark Hamill and Bill Paxton. And it's not for a lack of trying, Lisberger has been trying to sell a few ideas to Hollywood for a while now without success. He even penned a Tron sequel a few years back which fell into development hell.
Lisberger will helm the Soul Code, a film written in collaboration with Jessica Chobot. The project was sold to Reliant Pictures for mid-six figures. According to Variety, the story follows "a tech pioneer who has perfected a way to download and transfer a person's memory. Script examines what happens when her memory is placed into a much younger woman's body." Marina at MadAboutMovies thinks the "story is a rip-off of a bunch of other writer's works, primarily William Gibson," and I think I agree with her assessment. However, like many contemporary geeks, I'm very desperate for a good sci-fi film.