Mini-Movie Review: The Bourne Ultimatum

In The Bourne Ultimatum, Jason Bourne will conclude his journey to find the answers to his mysterious past. While the answers yielded may not be enough for even the simplest of viewers, the action sequences are sure to keep you glued to the big screen. During one car chase sequence I found myself literally on the edge of my seat grasping the armrests. Paul Greengrass creates some amazing artfully shot intense action sequences of the likes that have never been seen before. Julia Stiles has her most interesting turn yet. Greengrass shot New York City like he has with the foreign countries in the rest of the series. This is a New York City you have never seen before on film.

Some people may feel that the ending is too neatly wrapped up, especially for a film series which is identified for it's misanthropic realism. I was angered that Universal had spoiled so much of the movie in the movie trailer and poster advertising. The United States portion of the film is just the third act of this film, and that great "office" moment shown in the trailers is very close to the film's finale.

/Film Rating: 7.5 out of 10