Back From Comic-Con
I just got back from Comic-Con yesterday morning, and the exhaustion hit me hard. With only three hours of sleep (whose idea was it to go watch a late showing of The Simpsons Movie?), I caught a 7:00am flight from San Diego to SFO. I transfered to the BART (our local subway/commuter train) to downtown San Francisco, and hunted to find a replacement the digital recorder since I lost mine at the convention (note: CompUSA Sucks). I then rushed over to the Four Seasons to interview the three stars from SuperBad (who were SuperCool). I accomplished this mission and then I slept, slept, and slept some more. The news updates will be forthcoming, and /Film will return to its almost obnoxious schedule of 15 news updates a day. So don't worry, I'm still alive. And yes, people actually e-mailed me asking if I died.
Peter Sciretta