Get Smarter Is Not A Sequel Or A Prequel, It's A Parallel Story
Last month we told you that a Get Smart sequel was already in development. Despite our usual distain for direct to dvd sequel/spin-offs, we actually praised Warner Bros. We thought the idea was to film the "sequel" back to back or during the original with some of the side characters: Bruce (played by Heroes star Masi Oka) and his geeky sidekick Lloyd (played by Nate Torrence).
Well this gets even better. Masi Oka revealed to RT that the film will actually take place parallel to Get Smart, and may even include parts of Get Smart. How cool is that for an idea?
"The whole idea is 'Get Smart' the feature is kind of like 'Hamlet' and 'Get Smarter' is going to be 'Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead.' So to make it kind of a tie in, I know they're going to try to incorporate some footage from the actual feature into it so it looks like it's seeing what's leading up behind the scenes."
However, Oka also said: "We don't know when we're shooting that. It's supposed to be August and September. It's whenever they get the script I guess and a director. The writers are very excited for out characters so they're inspired and they want to keep on polishing it and making it better."
No script? No director? And a release date to boot? I mean the idea sounds like a huge step up for the direct-to-DVD sequel genre, but how much are they actually going to be able to intertwine the stories considering they weren't developed side by side as first thought?
Get Smarter: Bruce & Lloyd Out of Control, will arrive in stores 10 days following the theatrical debut of Get Smart.