The Lord Of The Rings: Middle Earth Found In Las Vegas
You know it's a slow news day when we're posting photos of stop signs. May-be we just don't care about a Barbarella remake written by the Casino Royale guys. Or may-be this street sign is really that cool. You decide.
Colin Loretz has posted this photo of a Las Vegas street sign. Who knew that Middle Earth was in Las Vegas. In addition to the two streets photographed above, the area also has a Rivendell Ave (an Elven outpost in Middle Earth), Barrow Downs St (Hills east of the Shire), Entwood Dr. (The great Ents), and Grey Havens Ct. (Mithlond, the Grey Havens consisted of the Elven ports on the Gulf of Lune). You can check out the Lord of the Rings area of Las Vegas at this Google Maps link.