Ahsoka Brings Unexpected Star Wars Animation Characters Into Live-Action

This article contains spoilers for the first two episodes of "Ahsoka."

Dave Filoni's latest "Star Wars" show, "Ahsoka," is full of surprises. The series follows Ahsoka Tano, former apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, as she tries to protect the New Republic from the potential threat of Grand Admiral Thrawn. She's also interested in using her quest as a way to find Ezra Bridger, a young Jedi who sacrificed himself to take Thrawn out of the Galactic Civil War in the first place. For fans of "Star Wars Rebels," it's expected that more and more characters who were introduced in animation would be making the jump to live-action, especially when you consider that some of the action — at least in early episodes — seems centered on Lothal, one of the central locations of "Rebels."

But there are a couple of characters that make the jump to live-action in the premiere episode of "Ahsoka" that perked our ears right up. Yes, you've heard these voices before.

Senator Jai Kell

Perhaps the most surprising character to make the leap is Senator Jai Kell. Jai Kell was introduced in the sixth episode of the first season of "Star Wars Rebels." Az Ezra Bridger infiltrated the Imperial Academy, Jai Kell was one of the recruits that decided to leave the Empire after having his eyes opened its evils. He featured in further episodes as well, and was central to Ezra's plan to defeat Thrawn, participating alongside characters like Mart Mattin, who joined up with the Lothal Rebels to force the Empire from their planet.

Interestingly enough, Jai Kell was voiced by Dante Basco, the actor most famous for playing Rufio in Steven Spielberg's "Hook."

There was no indication what had happened to the young cadet after "Star Wars Rebels", but now, thanks to his first live-action appearance, we now know he is now a senator for Lothal and an important dignitary.

Governor Ryder Azadi

The most pleasant surprise of this episode comes with the appearance of a character named Ryder Azadi. Ryder Azadi was once the governor of Lothal, but when the Empire took over, he was tossed in prison alongside Ezra's parents. They died, but they ignited the spark of rebellion in Ryder. He worked with the Rebels on Lothal to repel the Empire once and for all and played a vital part in the plan to rid the world of Thrawn's predations. On "Star Wars Rebels," Azadi was voiced by Clancy Brown who had previously voiced Maul's brother, Savage Opress, on "The Clone Wars."

There is a shock of delight when Brown's voice can be heard addressing the citizens of Lothal in the first episode of "Ahsoka" and it turns out that Brown has been cast to reprise his role of Ryder Azadi in live-action. Once again Governor of Lothal, Ryder Azadi seems to be held in a position of high esteem.

Seeing Clancy Brown bring his distinctive presence to "Ahsoka" is sure to delight fans. While Brown is no stranger to acting in live-action, he might be best known these days as a voice actor — he's given voice to "Star Wars" characters, offered the quintessential voice of Lex Luthor in DC animated films, and has been playing Mr. Krabs on "Spongebob Squarepants" for more than two decades. His most famous live-action credits include "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension," "Highlander," "The Shawshank Redemption," and "Starship Troopers."

Seeing him take a face role in a live-action "Star Wars" project is as surprising as it is cool. Let's hope we see more of him.