First (Blurry) Photo Of The New Spider-Man In Action

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Here's the first image of Marc Webb's new Spider-Man in action on the streets of LA, which are standing in for the streets of New York City. This was shot yesterday on Grand Ave. in LA, outside the Museum of Contemporary Art. No word on whether that is Andrew Garfield in the suit or a stuntman. See the full image after the break, along with a couple other minor photos people have grabbed on and around set.

This is the full shot — not a lot more context or detail, sadly. Thank your friends at On Location Vacations.

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And then The Daily Blam! has a good shot of a Daily Bugle van, below, along with some custom signage that was reportedly installed by the production on the museum grounds — feel free to speculate on how that image might comically play into a storyline that involves the Lizard.

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