VOTD: LOST Answers Parody Song

The Fine Bros have created a LOST music video parody for the song Downtown, performed and released in 1964 by Petula Clark. Lost fans should recognize the song as it has appeared multiple times in the series. According to lostpedia:

The first instance being the opening scene of "A Tale of Two Cities", when Juliet played it on her CD player before the book club. It was featured twice in "One of Us": in Juliet's car as she and Rachel arrived to the Mittelos Bioscience center; and during the abridged sequence in Juliet's flashback that recapped the original book club scene.

The parody, LOST – Answers?! , lays out all the mysteries that haven't been answered in the series. Watch the video, after the jump:


When LOST first started there were all of these mysteries and we hoped it would, end well

With one season left we are starting to lose faith but only time, will tell

So we wrote this song for the creators of LOST to see

That all these issues and plot points continue to be missing

How can they solve them all?

We'll have to see if they can because we've all been waiting from the start to get


Like what is the smoke monster


What do the numbers mean


LOST we're counting on you

What was that giant bird and where did it come from, did it really say, Hurley

Whats the significance of pushing the hatch numbers every 108 minutes

And why did the Dharma Initiative not automate that process

And how in the name of physics did the Black Rock crash on the island

The writers can't solve them all

Like who built the Lamp Post Station and why do they have to recreate the crash to get


How'd Jack get Locke's letter back


Whats in the guitar case


LOST we hope you'll come through

Why does the monster look like smoke to everyone but to Locke its a white light

How does it manifest itself into dead people and project video of people's past

And why were they experimenting on Polar Bears in the first place

And who built the giant wheel that controls time and space

The writers will never solve them all

Like where did Jacob come from hows he have magical powers that cause things to happen outside of the


Who's the guy who had Jacob killed


How'd he take over Locke's body


You're making it up as you go

If so many met the castaways in the past why don't they remember them, later

When Jin survived how could he time travel when he was so far away from the island so the only way that would be possible is if Jin jumped off the ship and landed unconscious in the water then somehow managed to move downstream following the precise bearing of either 325 or 305 depending if you go by the number Michael was given by Ben or Lepidus was given by Faraday and end up close enough to the island to time jump with everyone else all in a matter of second which seems completely preposterous but they probably hope nobody realizes that it makes no sense and we'll likely never get an answer

There's far too many questions to fit into just one song

Listing every single thing will make this song far too long

So here's a few more to ponder on

So you can continue to realize that LOST has too many questions that they'll never


Why do Whidmore and Ben fight


Why do people get healed

While others are allowed to die

Why did Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid crash in 1977

While Ben, Sun and the rest ended up in the present

What is the Others origin

Why doesn't Richard Alpert get older

Why can Miles speak to the dead

Boy do we hope that there's


To all of these and more


Answer them before


Finally comes to an end


We're so freaking confused!