Comic-Con Interview: Neill Blomkamp On District 9

During my lifetime, there have been a handful of feature-length directorial debuts that have truly impressed me. Obviously, Rian Johnson's Brick was one of them, and this year Marc Webb's 500 Days of Summer wowed me with its heartfelt script and well-executed conceit. Later this summer, we'll have the opportunity to see Neill Blomkamp's first film District 9, perhaps one of the most original and ambitious science fiction films to be released in recent memory. I haven't seen the film yet, but from what I've been hearing from all the journalists who have seen it, it's impressive.

I sat down with Blomkamp yesterday at San Diego Comic Con 2009 to chat about some of his inspirations for the film, the process of getting it made, and what he might be working on next. Hit the jump for the full interview.

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