Sarah Polley covered in blood in Dawn of the Dead
Movies - TV
Zack Snyder Fought The Studio Over A Famous Dawn Of The Dead Moment
Zack Snyder's remake of “Dawn of the Dead” takes place in a swarmed shopping mall. A group of people take refuge while scads of the undead shamble up against the walls outside.
Partway through the movie, as the characters idly waste time in the mall, comedian Rick Cheese’s version of Disturbed’s “Down With The Sickness” plays.
Richard Cheese & Lounge Against the Machine was a snarky comedy band, born in the shadow of the swing and only-somewhat-kitschy lounge revivals that crept into pop culture.
In an interview with Total Film Magazine, Snyder butted heads with the studios over the Richard Cheese version, stating, “The studio really wanted me to use the Disturbed version.”
However, Snyder noted that he is willing to fight for the direction of his movies. Snyder admitted, “They couldn't understand. I had a take on the music for ‘Dawn of the Dead.’”