What The Title Of Netflix's Baby Reindeer Really Means
Based on the award-winning one-man show written and performed by comedian Richard Gadd, Netflix's "Baby Reindeer" retells his experience of being stalked.
The series deals with several themes, leaving some wondering why “Baby Reindeer” was chosen as a title. This answer becomes clearer as the viewers learn more about Martha.
Martha's lack of support for her mental illness was a contributing factor to the harm she caused him. By the end of the series, the audience learns the meaning behind the name.
It's revealed that the affectionate pet name "baby reindeer" she gave Donny was a reference to a stuffed animal she had that gave her comfort when her parents were fighting.
Martha wasn't malicious. She was dealing with pain and fixated on Donny's similar appearance to the stuffed animal to cope, projecting the comfort her toy brought her onto him.