A closeup of Captain America.
Movies - TV
This Sci-Fi Cinematic Universe Is Giving Marvel A Run For Its Money
With David Lawson Jr., Benson and Moorhead run production company Rustic Films. Its latest project, "Things Will Be Different," is giving Marvel a run for its money.
Directed by Michael Felker, “Things Will Be Different” is about two estranged siblings seeking refuge in a farmhouse that exists in a fluctuating timeline outside of our own.
Michael Felker's “Things Will Be Different” is about two estranged siblings seeking refuge in a farmhouse that exists in a fluctuating timeline outside of our own.
Time travel is the vehicle Felker uses to tell an incredibly human story about regret and reparation, electing to present a stripped-down approach to the subgenre.
Lawson Jr. and Moorhead also appear in “Things Will Be Different,” but don't let the crisp, white-collared shirts fool you — these are not their characters from previous films.
Instead, Felker elected to use the identifiable costuming in a new way, to present the familiar faces as members of an entirely different organization.
Some could argue it’s a sign of a multiverse that could potentially lead to a much-needed fresher sci-fi universe that will offer more variety in the genre.