Hollywood screen goddess, Uma Thurman stars in "Kill Bill: Volume 1" directed by Quentin Tarantino in 2003. (Photo by Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)
Movies - TV
The Risk Of Failure Drove Quentin Tarantino To Create Kill Bill
“Reservoir Dogs,” “Pulp Fiction,” and “Jackie Brown” led Quentin Tarantino to become known for his dialogue; however, he felt limited by the praise, as he told Rolling Stone, “It was like [...] 'You write really good dialogue. Stick with that, buddy. But stay out of [great, cinematic directors'] park, because ultimately you can't cut it.” He then directed “Kill Bill” to prove himself as a filmmaker.
Tarantino told Rolling Stone why he made action-thriller “Kill Bill” to buff up his filmmaking bona fides, saying, “I've always adored action filmmakers. And those are actually what I consider the real cinematic directors. And so if I'm going to throw my hat in that ring, I want to be one of the best that ever lived. I don't want to do an OK job. I want to rock everybody's f***ing world.”
When artists try new things publicly, they risk failing on a magnified scale. Tarantino directed “Kill Bill” because of that risk, as he added, “I have an expression that I call ‘hitting your head on the ceiling of your talent’. I wanted to find out where that ceiling was for me. I actually wanted to risk failing.” He risked that failure and proved himself with the emphatically cinematic “Kill Bill.”