Thomas Jane holding a poster, with artwork by Tim Bradstreet (Photo by Lawrence Lucier/FilmMagic)
Movies - TV
The Punisher’s Thomas Jane Really Stabbed His Co-Star Kevin Nash
In the 2004 film “The Punisher,” Thomas Jane starred as the world’s most deadly vigilante, a role the actor shared was challenging and led to him accidentally stabbing his co-star.
During one of the film’s best fight scenes, the actor grabbed what he thought was a fake butterfly knife and stabbed Kevin Nash’s The Russian in the chest — but it wasn’t a prop.
Jane shared, “I’m looking at the knife, I’m looking at him. Kevin, he’s just looking down at me, and there’s a knife sticking out of his chest ... Yeah, that was rough.”
Nash explained, “I guess one of the stunt coordinator guys didn’t change the real butterfly with the retractable.” Luckily, the crew had dulled down real knives for the film.
According to Jane, the pro-wrestler-turned-actor took the accidental stabbing in stride and was nice about the incident. Still, Jane sent Nash a case of beer as an apology.
Nash commented on the accident: “He actually stabbed me! Thank God he got me in the collarbone! He stabbed me right in the collarbone. If it had been up in the meat, who knows?”