Patrick Stewart, star of TV's "Star Trek: The Next Generation," prepares to "engage" during filming at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, California in 1987. Stewart portrayed the heroic Captain Jean-Luc Picard  (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)
Movies - TV
The Only Time Star Trek’s Patrick Stewart Stole From William Shatner
“Star Trek” fans know there’s only one main quality that actors need when portraying one of the franchise’s captains: They need to bring their own unique flavor to the role.
While Patrick Stewart’s Jean-Luc Picard would succeed in standing apart from his predecessor, the actor admitted to drawing on Captain Kirk (William Shatner) for one instance.
In his new memoir “Making It So,” Stewart shared how he needed to perform the famous opening narration. However, Stewart came to realize there was one major problem.
He explained, “I carefully listened to [Shatner’s] voiceover in preparation to do mine, and realized that there was nothing I could do to improve upon it. He’d done it perfectly.”
Stewart continued, “So I basically did his version syllable for syllable — the only time I intentionally copied Bill’s performance as the captain.”