(Original Caption) Waist-up portrait of Sean Connery, as James Bond, caressing the barrel of a gun against the side of his face. Connery is wearing a tuxedo and bow tie and smiling slightly.
Movies - TV
The James Bond Stunt In Dr. No That Nearly Decapitated Sean Connery
Directed by Terrence Young, the renowned spy film "Dr. No" marked Sean Connery's first portrayal of the iconic James Bond character, the undisputed king of style and espionage.
During a mountain road chase, Bond notices three assassins are tailing him. In a daring move, he drives underneath an outstretched crane blocking the road, narrowly escaping.
Connery, insisting on doing the stunt work himself, narrowly missed the crane and almost decapitated himself in the process of filming the car chase.
Director Young spoke of this dangerous moment to Rolling Stone, stating, “He's [Connery] very lucky to be alive.” He later confirmed how serious it was, “We damn near killed him.”