Chris Evans as Captain America in Avergers: Endgame
Movies - TV
The Huge Captain America Plot Hole Created By Thor: Ragnarok
There have been many cannon inconsistencies within the MCU regarding Thor and Mjölnir, such as in “Avengers: Endgame,” where Captain America uses the hammer’s lightning powers.
The lightning seems to come from Mjölnir, but “Thor: Ragnarok” shows that Thor can use his powers without the hammer and even states it isn’t the source of his abilities.
“Endgame” co-screenwriter Christopher Markus recalls debating the Captain America hammer scene with the other filmmakers and how they ignored what was previously stated.
Markus said, “You get to those things, and you’re like, ‘It’s too awesome not to do it! We’ll talk about it later.’” The result was one of the MCU’s most memorable scenes.