Adorned in shades of blue, the duo known as the Midnight Angels are pulled straight from the pages of Marvel Comics. They were created by Jonathan Maberry and Scot Eaton for 2010's "Doomwar" as an elite subsection of the Dora Milaje that also serves as King T'Challa's personal bodyguards.
In "Wakanda Forever" audiences are introduced to Namor’s own trademark catchphrase when he charges into a fight, "Imperius Rex!" Interestingly enough, "Imperius Rex" doesn't actually mean anything, but loosely translated to "Emperor King" in Latin.
Phase 4 of the MCU has been littered with Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine sightings and all we know about Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character is that she is part of a secret organization. Now, thanks to "Wakanda Forever," we know that this organization is the CIA.
Back in the summer of 2022, we learned that Daniel Kaluuya would not be joining the cast of "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever." While he doesn't physically appear in the new movie, Queen Ramonda mentions that W'Kabi is currently being held prisoner in a Wakandan jail to atone for his actions.
The biggest easter egg of all in "Wakanda Forever" is the reveal that Scott Lang aka "Ant-Man" is on a promotional book tour. Lang’s appearances in Phase 4 have neatly linked "Ms Marvel" and much of the MCU to the events of "Endgame"