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The 20 Best Westerns Of All Time
Once Upon A Time...
"Once Upon A Time In The West" is a gripping adventure that follows “Harmonica,” a badass gunslinger who is enlisted to end the threat of the remorseless bounty hunter Frank. The film is detail-oriented and offers a melancholic take on the last days of the American frontier, and Quentin Tarantino has cited it as a favorite.
The Man Who Shot...
The last western film from John Wayne and John Ford is a surprisingly downbeat commentary on the perils of hero worship. Told entirely in flashback, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" has a chilling final line that questions why violence is perpetual on the frontier.
One of the darkest westerns ever made, "Unforgiven" follows Will Munny (Clint Eastwood) and his return to a life of violence and crime, after he's asked to track down two cowboys who scarred a woman. Throughout his journey, Munny can’t seem to escape his past, and the film makes remarks on the cyclical nature of violence.
The Searchers
Hailed by "Sight and Sound" as one of the ten greatest films ever made, "The Searchers" is both a beautiful and haunting western. The film's frank depiction of the genocide of Native Americans does not romanticize history, and John Wayne's psychopathic character is a distinct departure from the heroic roles he's known for.
The Good, The Bad...
"The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" is the last in a trilogy that follows a mysterious bounty hunter (Clint Eastwood) who embarks on a gold hunt during the final days of the Civil War. The film’s stylized action sequences, comedic elements, and commentary on the destructive nature of war make it a classic.