One Pike Scene In Star Trek 2009 Was Extremely Painful For Bruce Greenwood
Bruce Greenwood, who played Pike in the two J.J Abrams-directed "Star Trek" films, told that Pike's torture was awful for both character and actor.
Pike was tortured with Centaurian Slugs, creatures that enter through a host's mouth and release a truth-serum neurotoxin causing Pike to divulge information.
Greenwood recalled reading the script and assuming the prop wouldn't be a real "scorpion." Alas, he soon discovered, "It is a real thing and they dropped it down my throat.”
“It was a creature that they created, and it had a solenoid in it so it would wiggle and twist and writhe and it was sharp and pokey." added Greenwood.
"They did it a bunch of times and would yell 'cut' and pull it away from my mouth and I felt that we were getting to the end of the coverage,” Greenwood said.
"They did it a bunch of times and would yell 'cut' and pull it away from my mouth and I felt that we were getting to the end of the coverage,” Greenwood said.