In Episode 2 of “X-Men ’97,” “Mutant Liberation Begins,” Storm takes a shot intended for Magneto by the anti-mutant villain X-Cutioner, permanently robbing her of her powers.
In a heartbreaking moment, Storm leaves the X-Men as she feels she no longer belongs with them. Her story in “X-Men ’97” is taken from Chris Claremont’s comic run.
The episode effectively combines three “X-Men” comic issues: “Uncanny X-Men” #185, #200, and #201. However, there are some notable changes between the comics and the show.
In issue #185, Storm follows a frustrated Rogue (a former member of the Brotherhood of Mutants terrorist group who recently joined the X-Men) home to Mississippi.
Government agents led by Henry Gyrich want to apprehend Rogue. Gyrich brings the depower gun for Rogue, but he accidentally hits Storm instead while the two X-Men are fleeing.
The next issue, “Lifedeath,” shows the devastating aftermath of Storm's power loss. The show will seemingly continue following the comics, as Episodes 4 and 6 share this title.