(EXCLUSIVE, Premium Rates Apply) Charlize Theron, recipient of the Desert Palm Achievement Award (Actress), and Keanu Reeves (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage)
Movies - TV
Keanu Reeves Took Mercy On Charlize Theron While Training For John Wick 2
Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron have both made names for themselves in action movies like “John Wick: Chapter 2” and “Atomic Blonde,” respectively. It just so happens that both stars were training for these exact two movies in the same airport hangar and managed to squeeze in a few friendly barbs with each other.
Theron has said that when you’re training, everyone becomes a target, so she envisioned herself beating Reeves in a fight. “I would have stupid moments where I would think I could actually tackle him and pin him down,” Theron recalled. “[Reeves] would just try to, in a very sweet way, entertain my complete stupidity and allow me to kind of pin him down.”
The second-unit director and stunt coordinator for “Atomic Blonde,” Sam Hargrave, said, “Charlize would look over, and Keanu would look over, and they'd train a little bit harder to push themselves.” All that training seemed to have paid off because Theron has an unforgettable staircase brawl in the film that was shot in one take.