Captain Jack Sparrow of the “Pirates Of The Carribbean” franchise has become Depp's most recognized part and was modelled after the Rolling Stone Keith Richards.
Depp is hilarious as Duke, lending a surreal slapstick edge to the filth and depravity. You won't see another film like "Fear and Loathing," and you may not want to.
Depp gives a chameleonic performance as “Rango,” showing that modern, celebrity-based voice acting is much more than just sounding like yourself — he gives his all.
Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker was presented as the most desirable juvenile at his Baltimore high school, but he was also seen as a weird rebel who loved being a criminal.
In the documentary, "The Source," Depp read samples of author Jack Kerouac’s work with casual dignity and playful poetry, and has never seemed as relaxed.