Dennis (Glenn Howerton) has an explosive freakout during the Season 16 finale of “It’s Always Sunny,” and the episode is inspired by an occurrence from Howerton’s real life.
In the finale, Dennis’ doctor tells him his high blood pressure requires medication. Dennis doesn’t believe him, but he gets a smart watch to monitor his blood pressure.
Dennis avoids stressful situations any time his blood pressure starts to rise. It's a great set-up that allows him to get into many situations that trigger his short temper.
His watch beeps as he gets agitated, so it makes a lot of noise when his car rental appointment is double-booked, he loses his phone, and he can’t get into his electric rental car.
On “The Always Sunny Podcast,” Howerton shared a real-life story about the time his Tesla key fob stopped working, and he tried to use the back-up app on his phone.
He and a friend had gone to see a movie and parked in an underground parking garage, though. They couldn’t get phone or WiFi reception and were stuck, unable to get into the Tesla.
Both Howerton and Dennis sought help, but ended up in futile customer service loops. Dennis’ situation gets ridiculous, but Howerton took an Uber and figured it out later.