Movies - TV
Hunter X Hunter's Creator Doesn't Want The Series To Overstay Its Welcome
Yoshihiro Togashi’s Shonen Jump series “Hunter x Hunter” began its serialization in 1998 and tells the story of Gon, a young boy living in a world of monsters and mystery. “Hunter x Hunter” departs from other classic Jump series like “Naruto” and “One Piece,” thanks to Togashi’s ability to keep the story fresh through his willingness to change the genre.
Togashi’s first hit, “Yu Yu Hakusho,” left the creator feeling unsatisfied after having his proposed directions and storylines for the characters rejected by Shonen Jump, who insisted on repeating the same formula. But “Hunter x Hunter” has allowed Togashi to explore new stories without being limited to a repetitive blueprint that would overstay its welcome.
Despite the creative freedom, “Hunter x Hunter” has proven to be challenging due to Togashi’s health issues making drawing painful and slow, with the creator saying, “I was unable to sit in a chair for two years, which made me unable to draw.” The creator has hired additional assistants to help with the series and has passed “Hunter x Hunter” into the care of those he trusts.