George Harrison December 8th 1992 Billboard Awards Century Award (Photo by Chris Walter/WireImage)
Movies - TV
George Harrison Thought Terry Gilliam Owed Him An Apology Over Time Bandits
In addition to being one of the most important musicians of the 20th Century, George Harrison was also quite the film producer, as he co-founded HandMade Films. Terry Gilliam came to HandMade with "Time Bandits," which Harrison wanted to write songs for, but Gilliam was very much opposed to this idea.
HandMade co-founder Denis O'Brien brought in music producer Ray Cooper to help supervise the music, but unfortunately for O'Brien, Cooper was more on Gilliam's side. “Ray and I agreed within the first two or three minutes that this was a bad idea, this was not what the film was trying to do," said Gilliam.
One Harrison song, "Dream Away," plays over the closing credits, with lyrics like “Greedy feeling, wheeling dealing” and “All you owe is apologies” directed at Gilliam. According to Gilliam, “It's really funny because I enjoyed listening to the song but at the time I had no idea it was George writing his notes to me."