Movies - TV
Elisabeth Moss Reveals The Toughest Day On Set Of The Handmaid's Tale
The dystopian show “The Handmaid’s Tale,” set in the aftermath of a second civil war where America has become a totalitarian regime, is nothing short of a horror show. Despite the challenging subject matter, award-winning star Elisabeth Moss says the weather is the hardest thing to deal with.
In an interview with Newsweek, Moss says the emotional content is difficult, but the brutal Canadian weather is tougher to deal with. Specifically, there was one freezing day at City Hall in Toronto that was “brutally, brutally cold.”
Elisabeth Moss went on to explain that the weather disrupted production on other shows, not just the Margaret Atwood adaptation. Moss emphasized the challenge they all faced, saying, "And shows were shutting down that were shooting because it was so cold ... That was a tough day.”