5/11/97. Hollywood,Chris Farley at the premier of " Addicted to Love" premier
Movies - TV
Chris Farley Was Offered A Massive Payday To Star In The Cable Guy
Ahead of shooting the classic comedy “Tommy Boy,” comedian Chris Farley signed a two-picture deal with Paramount. Evidently, it was an effort to prove to studio execs that he was serious about his career in the wake of his repeated stints in rehab; regardless of the initial film's success, Farley would be back for another movie at a fixed rate.
The second movie also hinged on David Spade’s participation, and unfortunately for the comedy duo, they ultimately agreed to star in the disastrous “Black Sheep.” However, before Spade read the script for “Black Sheep,” another offer was on the table for Farley to star in an upcoming film called “The Cable Guy” for a $3 million paycheck.
Spade liked the script for “Black Sheep,” though, so Farley joined him on the project; they tried to replicate the magic that made “Tommy Boy” so wonderful, but failed to do so. Jim Carey would go on to star in “The Cable Guy,” and it was a missed opportunity for Farley as he lost the chance at a potentially explosive moment in his career.