American actor George Clooney on the set of Batman & Robin, directed by Joel Schumacher. (Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures/Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)
Movies - TV
Batman & Robin’s Lead Characters Were Played By An Army Of Lookalike Actors
Regardless of personal opinion, it’s undeniable the effect Joel Schumacher’s 1997 “Batman & Robin” had on shaping the characters and the future of the Dark Knight in cinema. Despite all the hate the film gets, its critics often overlook the amount of labor and love that went into the production, such as the dozens of stuntmen that donned the infamous superhero costumes.
Production supervisor Jacqueline George recalled just how many stuntmen suited up as the Dynamic Duo for key battle scenes, saying, “We had to have people for the ice skating, we had to have drivers, we had to have all the guys that could do the acrobatics.” Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Freeze also used this method, though not nearly as many were needed.
Makeup artist Jeff Dawn shared that Schwarzenegger was mainly used for close-ups of the character, adding, “We would have a couple of other Arnolds, standing around ready to get in their suits at any one time. It was so easy to hide the real Arnold with all of that stuff on. It’s really important to the close-ups, and that’s about it. Everyone else could be a double or a stunt person.”