“Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack” is an adaptation of Junji Ito's "Gyo" that shows a monstrous fish with legs invading a Japanese town. It’s a must-see for horror comedy fans.
This gothic film is set in an alternate 18th-century England where corpses are reanimated and used as laborers who don't think, feel, eat, or get paid.
"Empire of Corpses" is a quintessential steampunk adventure that’s also deeply emotional and upsetting in its exploration of what it means for a corpse to have real autonomy.
In this film, a group of patients wake up from medically induced comas and are attacked by horrific creatures. It uses both 2D and 3D animation to great effect.
This animated short film is a surreal tale about grief and family, all represented by two cats. It has gorgeous animation but is full of jarring imagery and violence.
"Wicked City" shows a human and a demon in an alternate world trying to protect humanity from a radical group of demons who don’t want peace between the races.
The film has a grotesque style, an eye for shocking violence, and a strong willingness to break taboos. It’s a hyper-sexual, hyper-violent joint that isn't for the faint of heart.