Round 4: Pre-Sundance - U2 3D And Cloverfield

Due to the lack of any extra time since the moment Sundance began last Thursday, this episode of the FightCast has been delayed until today. However, it's up now and I hope you all enjoy!

In this week's FightCast, we fight about U2 3D, Cloverfield and briefly There Will Be Blood. We recorded the FightCast on the road to Salt Lake City to pick up a friend for Sundance 2008, and apologize for the delay in getting this up. U2 3D is the 3-D concert film which premiered this week in Park City. Cloverfield is the J.J. Abrams produced monster movie which hit theaters last Friday. And we talk a bit about Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood, which is in theaters now. Check it out!

If you're looking for high production value, look elsewhere. This isn't even a show, it's a conversation between two film geeks. The official website has launched – and for all future episodes and to subscribe to the podcast, head right to:!

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