Open Letter To Joe Nussbaum: W.T.F., Don't Become A Hack!

Remember the cute short film George Lucas in Love? It was a promising first effort. What if I told you that the guy who made that short went on to direct a few crappy pre-teen and high school films? Well it happened. Lucas in Love launched Joe Nussbaum into a career in Hollywood, and so far he's made Sleepover, Sydney White, and a crappy direct-to-dvd American Pie sequel.

And now the trades say he's signed on to direct B.F.F., a story of two friends, a guy and a girl, over four years of high school, four proms and one funeral as they become unlikely best friends and eventually fall in love.


Joe, please, we know you are capable of so much more than this. You showed such promise. The definition of Hack is "To work for Hire", remember that.

And for those who are interested, you can watch George Lucas in Love after the jump.