Mysterious Video Reveals... New Monster Movie?

Tonight I received a mysterious message on my cellphone along with an equally mysterious attached video. At first I thought this might be footage from new viral movie campaign, but I couldn't think of a movie being released this year that might fit. The text was in Portugese, which I had translated to English via Google. I searched the names and locations  mentioned but came up short. Check out the video clip for yourself after the jump, and read the mysterious text message that accompanied it.

The original txt message said:

Isto foi descoberto a dezesseis semanas atrás em um celular com câmera que foi encontrado em um saco de plástico com zíper . Foi descoberto no Rio Amazonas, perto de Santarém.  Funcionários brasileiros não lançaram nenhuma informação sobre o proprietário do telefone.

No entanto, amplamente acreditasse ser o telefone de uma Sarah Malina, uma nativa de Torrance, Califórnia. Sra. Malina foi manchetes quando ela desapareceu durante seu trabalho com os médicos sem fronteiras na área de Oriximina no final do mês passado. Duas semanas após os primeiros relatos de seu desaparecimento, ela foi descoberta por um trabalhador local de uma fábrica de madeira nas proximidades. Ela foi encontrada inconsciente e permaneceu em coma desde então. Sua família não confirmou que o telefone celular fosse dela, e a única imagem parece ser um vídeo de uma criatura anfíbia falecida. Estas imagens estão agora começando a surgir on-line.

Translated to English via Google Translate:

This was discovered to sixteen weeks ago on a camera phone that was found in a plastic bag with zipper. It was discovered in the Amazon River, near Santarém. Brazilian officials have not released any information about the phone owner. However, widely believed to be the phone of a Sarah Malina, a native of Torrance, California. Ms. Malina headlines when she disappeared was during his work with Doctors without borders in the area Oriximina at the end of last month. Two weeks after the first reports of her disappearance, she was discovered by a local worker of a factory of wood nearby. She was found unconscious and remained in a coma ever since. His family has not confirmed that the phone was hers, and the only image seems to be a video of an amphibious creature dead. These images are now starting to appear online.

(note: the header image is from the movie Creature, which I'm pretty sure is not related to this at all — I just needed a fun image for the top of the post)