/Film Receives A Package From SKYNET

Last week I received an e-mail about a new website called SkynetResearch.com. Anyone who has seen the Terminator films knows that Skynet is an artificial intelligence computer system that, in the future, will be responsible for killing most of the human race. Apparently the company exists and is currently beta testing a new robotic enhancement module called the Model 101. The site allows you to request a module to help with their research.

I put in a  request last week, not expecting them to actually send me the module. But today as I was leaving to grab food, I found a package addressed to me from SkyNet Research. Followers on Twitter said it might be a trap, and warned me not to open it, but I decided to do so anyways. What is in the box? You can watch my live video unboxing after the jump.

[flv:http://bitcast-a.bitgravity.com/slashfilm/trailers/skynetresearch.flv 440 330]

I grabbed my Flip Mino and literally recorded the video as I was coming in the door, so please excuse the fact that I haven't shaved in a few days. If I had known I would be recording something for the site, I would have made myself more representable. Also, you can watch a video from Skynet's website explaining what the Module 101 is below:

Head on over to SkyNet Research to take part in the end of the human race.