Bad Ideas: Superman To Star In Teen Wolf Remake

Remember the old Teen Wolf movies? The original 1985 Michael J Fox film was a staple in the 1980's. Although a 5.3 rating makes us question our cinematic memories. DH is reporting that a remake is in the works with a female in the lead. And get this, Smallville star Tom Welling has been cast in a supporting role (romantic interest?). Canadian High Schools are being scouted for a 2007 shoot.

Teen Wolf Too, a lower budget sequel starring Jason Bateman, was released and quickly forgotten (the movie is currently on imdb's bottom 100 movies of all time). A Teen Wolf 3 was even announced sometime before Teen Wolf Too was released, but due to poor box office of the second film it was never produced.

Let's hope they don't call this one Teen Wolf Again. Better yet, let's hope the project falls into development hell.