Page 2: Lost, Clueless, Back To The Future, Olly Moss, Inception, Star Trek, Buffy, Alien, Toy Story, Clockwork Orange, Seinfeld, We Bought A Zoo, Star Wars, 50/50, The Thing
What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 46 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!Header Photo: An Ewok Riding A DeLoreanNerd Bastards lists the Top 10 Characters in Nerd Cinema That Can Take a Beating.
Today's t-shirt of the day on TeeFury is Buffy The Vampire Slayer-inspired design "Buffy the Riveter"
Wall Street Journal has a fantastic interview with Donald Glover, talking about His Hip-Hop Alter Ego, Childish Gambino
Today's t-shirt of RIPT Apparel is a Alien/Monty Python mash-up design "Ministry of Alien Silly Walks".
Disney has released a new plot synopsis for Pixar's Brave:
Universal has released a second series of Universal Monsters action figures.
Jim Carrey has launched an official web site, where he has released a video professing his love for Emma Stone.Someone has finally created a Seinfeld/Brokeback Mountain mash-up trailer titled "Brokeback Seinfeld".Cameron Crowe explainsz why the setting of We Bought A Zoo was moved from England to America:
"The story was set in Boston when I first read Aline's script, and she really made it sing as a universal story. I watched Benjamin Mee's BBC documentary, and read his great book a few times and knew that Ben's story (while very much set in the UK) was largely a personal one. I also knew a ton of places in 'inner' California that felt like my 'Dartmoor'... places that felt far removed and would support a struggling zoo. Then we found the Greenfield Ranch location, outside Westlake Village, and we all fell in love with the property. Plus, I wanted to work with Matt Damon, and I think he gets things done pretty well with his natural accent... so we started casting American actors, reading with them, setting the story here in California... and the real Benjamin Mee gave us a thumbs up... and that's a mighty thumbs up. We filmed in 'out of the way' California, places that don't normally turn up in the movies."
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the second page of Page 2.
"I Feel So Pretty" Darth Vader t-shirt.
If you see The Godfather available for free on YouTube, its probably too good to be true.
Olly Moss created a poster for Friends With Benefits for Empire Magazine.
The Internet Movie Database app for iOS has been updated with a focus on account-related activities.
Bender booze storage.
Factory Entertainment, Inc announced that they will create and market collectible prop replicas from Men in Black and Men In Black II starting in early 2012 with a "working" replica of the Neuralyzer.
The Star Wars Alphabet Guessing Game: How many can you name?
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa says he would ""consider taking further steps to help the local movie and TV industry, including lowering permit fees and speeding up the film permitting process."
Rhys Cooper created this Clockwork Orange/Garbage Pail Kids mash-up for Gallery1988's upcoming Garbage Pail Kids art show.
AM lists the 10 best westerns.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the third page of Page 2.
Someone created a Star Trek cat tree fort which "boldly goes where no cat has gone before."
A Hollywood Bowl Orchestra performance of music from Disney's Fantasia included "music and clips that didn't make it into the 1940 version."
The Microsoft Kinect Star Wars bundle has been delayed.
Movieline lsits 9 revelations about Scarface you probably never heard before.Moviefone has premiered the official poster for My Week With Marilyn starring Michelle Williams.
Time Warner Cable has begun buying Slingboxes for some subscribers.
This "Darth Vapour: Dark Lord of the Steam" piece is on display at The Greatest Steampunk Exhibition, "the largest exhibition of Steampunk art, craft and engineering, is running through August 29, 2011 at the Kew Bridge Steam Museum in West London."
The Official Battlestar Galactica Props and Costumes Auction has a ton of set-used items for sale.
SEGA is releasing a video game called Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Flavorwire lists TV Characters Who Would Be Best Friends in Real Life.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the fourth page of Page 2.
zomboy has created a Lost/Calvin and Hobbes mash-up t-shirt "Getting Lost"
IO9 takes a look at the next big names in science fiction movie-making.Check out a photo of Paul Rudd and Alicia Silverstone's mini Clueless reunion at the premiere of My Idiot Brother.Cracked lists the 6 Most Inexplicable Cartoon Adaptations Ever.
Another fan created Inception poster.THR lists Carrie Fisher's five most iconic roles.
ThinkGeek now sells Han Solo in carbonite ice cube trays.
The Broadway musical adaptation of The Addams Family will end at the end of the year.
Disney has released Toy Story alien usb speakers. Cute or ugly?
Clutch lists 8 Horror Icons Who Would Make Awesome Mortal Kombat Characters.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the fifth and final page of Page 2.
Check out some fan posters for John Carpenter's The Thing.Moviefone offers an Open Letter to Hollywood: Fewer Talking Animals, Please, and Other Suggestions
Watch two red band clips from 50/50.
Pajiba lists 12 Currently Working Actresses Who'd Do Anything To Be The Next Action Jolie.
Paramount has released three new posters for the Footloose remake.
IO9 lists Science Fiction and Fantasy Books They Can't Wait For This Fall.