Sigourney Weaver Drops Plot Hints For 'Avatar 2' And 'Ghostbusters 3'

John Singleton's Taylor Lautner film Abduction opens next week and one of his co-stars, Sigourney Weaver, has been doing the interview rounds. Being as she was the female lead in the first two Ghostbusters films, and Ghostbusters 3 is always a topic of geek discussion, the legendary Aliens star is being bombarded with questions about the potential sequel. She was also part of the biggest film of all time, Avatar, and has some info on the eventual sequels, Avatar 2 and Avatar 3. After the jump, read what Weaver had to say about each film but realize they should be considered potential spoilers.

If you remember Weaver's character in Avatar, she passes away at the end of the film. Well, in an interview with Coming Soon, Weaver revealed that she'll indeed be back:

Don't worry, I will be back. Jim [Cameron] says no one ever dies in science fiction. He's told me the stories for the next two movies and I have to say that they're absolutely wonderful and there's a real treat in store. Now we just have to make them.

She also said her Ghostbuster character's son, Oscar, would be appearing in the third Ghostbusters, though she hasn't read the script yet:

I have yet to read the script. I've had a couple of calls and I know they're rewriting and all I said was that I hope my son, Oscar, has grown up to be a Ghostbuster and Ivan Reitman said yes. Beyond that, I have no idea. I hope it comes together, but we already did two wonderful films and, if we have to let this one go, that's fine.

Adding to that info, Weaver suggested to Cinemablend that Bill Murray's character Peter Venkman is a ghost in Ghostbusters 3:

Well I guess Peter Venkman is dead. Dana without... I guess his spectre always was with her, whether she liked it or not.

Now, she hasn't read the script so that could just be conjecture. But it's interesting none the less. Did you guess that Weaver would be back in Avatar or Dana's son would play a part in Ghostbusters 3?